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10 uses of transformers

A transformer can be said to be an electrical device that transfers electric energy from one circuit to another. The main use of a transformer is to transfer energy between different voltage levels thereby reducing or stopping losses during transmission.

It is also safe to say that a transformer is an electromagnetic device that does the work of electromagnetism through the transmission of voltage. There are different types/kinds of transformers with their different place of function or use.

Below, we would take a look at a few uses of the transformer and how it is applied in our everyday life.


1. Used in steel manufacturing

As we all know, the steel manufacturing industries need a constant and reliable source of light to function properly. The transformer, in this case, is what aids the industry in the electricity, and thermal sector for the manufacture of steel.

2. Used for Electrochemical

In the manufacture of metals like zinc and aluminum, during the electrolysis process, the transformers are what powers the whole completion process. With it, manufacturing companies can make the metals and use them for their various purposes.

3. to stop and start the flow of electricity

The transformer is used to maintain a good voltage among circuits and make sure there is no damage. It helps to start and stop the flow of electric current when needful. This would help to preserve the machines or devices it is being used on from spoiling due to high voltage.

4. Used in battery switching

Of course, the transformer is needed to regulate the flow of voltage when changing batteries. This is done so the internal components of the batteries won’t get spoiled due to the high flow of current.

5. Used as a coolant

A transformer in its air-dry form helps in the cooling of stuff in the refrigerator. It helps to manage the voltage in the refrigerator and helps in the cooling. Even if there is no longer flow of electricity, the transformer is what makes it still cool.

6. Used in AC

This is another modern use of a transformer in our homes. Because of its high inductance and low resistance levels, it aids in the proper functioning of the AC. Without this, there would be no long-lasting AC (Air condition) in our home.

7. Used for impedance matching

In the electronic sector, there is a matching of one the impedance of one network in the communication circuit with another input impedance of another network. When this is done, there is a maximum transfer of power and this is aided by the transformer.

8. Used in Ammeters

The transformer aids in the measure of a current-voltage of the AC with an ammeter. As it is studied, the secondary coil is made up of tones of wire that is connected to the ammeter and aids proper functioning.

9. Used in rectifiers

Rectifiers are used to set the voltage level from DC to AC. With this process, when the voltage s on a high level, the transformer is needed to control or step up the high voltage.

10. Used in stabilizers

A stabilizer is made up of transformers that help to give out a voltage or manage voltage in such a way that it is ok with the voltage circuits. It helps to step down and step up the level of current in a building.

From the use of transformers, we have observed and seen its importance in our everyday life and without it, electricity would have caused great havoc in our homes and industries.


This Post Has One Comment

  1. Luke Smith

    Its interesting to know that power transformers could be used to start and stop the flow of electricity. I saw a lineman repair a transformer earlier and it made me wonder how they actually work. Transformers seems to be quite convenient devices and I heard even businesses use them.

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