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60 Uses of Herbs

There are thousands of plants scattered across the world. A majority of these plants have healing powers in their leaves, roots barks, fruits, or seeds. Some, however, have toxins that you should be wary about. Below are a few of these plants that exhibit medicinal properties and their uses.


1. Chamomile

This flower is considered by many as a universal herb able to cure almost everything. It is however used widely as an anti-inflammatory agent. It is also used as a therapeutic drug in relaxation and treatment of anxiety.

2. Echinacea

It is a herb that can treat common cold and flu. Also, it is said to have the ability to boost your immune system when used for extended periods. Medicinal juices of Echinacea are extracted from the leaves, roots, and the stalks of the plant.

3. Arnica

Arnica’s medicinal products are wide. It is used to heal wounds, skin regeneration, and restoration of hair. Arnica cream is, therefore, used largely for cosmetic purposes. You are however cautioned against ingesting or using in concentered forms for it may be very toxic.

4. Milk thistle

It is a powerful antioxidant that is used in the reduction of cholesterol levels in the body. The fruit is also ingested to treat liver complications such as cirrhosis. It also prevents the growth and spread of cancerous cells. It can also prevent melancholic depression which is associated with liver disorders. You are however advised to seek advice from a physician before taking the drugs.

5. Feverfew

It is a drug that is commonly used to treat arthritis and migraines. It can also be used to relieve fevers. However, this herb should never be used alongside anti-inflammatory or anticoagulant drugs. Headaches have been proved to return to those who stop using them for migraines. Also, they come with side effects that involve the development of mouth ulcers. The herb is extracted from the leaves of a Feverfew plant.

6. Garlic

Garlic is used as an active ingredient in people’s food worldwide. It is commonly used as a spice. Its medical benefits range from lowering blood sugar level to reducing the amount of cholesterol in the body and other researchers are studying the prospect of Garlic being used to treat or prevent cancer. You are, however, cautioned from using Garlic before a surgery. And, it should not be used together with warfarin.

7. Golden Seal

This herb is common for appetizing. However, its medicinal values are related to liver treatments. Furthermore, it may help in dealing with infections on the mucous membranes. Data has proved that Golden Seal can also cure peptic ulcers, urinary tract infections, athlete’s foot, etc. Furthermore, the herb is used to treat waterborne infections such as diarrhea. It also prevents eye infections. The plant root and rhizome are harvested for herbal uses. It is also a powerful antiseptic. However, the herb is listed as an endangered species. Therefore, you cannot actually use it for it is protected. Also, extensive usage causes irritations in the mouth and throat.

8. Ginger

This is a tuber used largely as a spice in food recipes. Studies on this herb have revealed that it can be used to reduce nausea either natural, pregnancy-triggered, or caused by chemotherapy. Although not conclusive, results suggest that Ginger can be used to stop cold and throat infections.

The side effects that stem from using ginger include; heartburn, bloating, and gas. Whether it can be used in surgery or not is still under research.

9. Lavender

Lavender flowers can be harvested and used to make beverages. It is used as a tea flavor. It is also used as a tonic. Lavender helps in easing migraines.

10. Gingko

The leaf of the Gingko plant is harvested for its medicinal properties. It is used in the treatment of various conditions such as bronchitis, tinnitus, fatigue, and asthma. Gingko is also applied in the prevention and treatment of brain-related disorders including dementia and short memory. The herb also improves the user’s eyesight.

Gingko seeds are not so herbal. They are very toxic and when used it causes seizures. In large amounts, the toxin is fatal. To prevent adverse side effects, the herb should not be ingested with anti-inflammatory, antidepressants, and anticoagulant or anticonvulsant drugs.

11. Melissa Lemon Balm

This herb is used for therapeutic purposes. It is used as a stress and depression reliever. It is also used to reduce anxiety, panic, and irritability. This herb is also great for the digestive tract; it mitigates intestinal issues especially those brought about by anxiety and panic. Furthermore, lemon balm is applied to herpes sores and other cold sores to relieve pain and initiate healing.

12. Ginseng

The plant is useful for its roots. It is used as an aphrodisiac and a tonic. It is generally used as a stimulant especially at old age. It also helps in relieving stress. However, you are cautioned from using the herb if you are diabetic, or mixing it with anti-inflammatory drugs, heparin, warfarin, estrogens, etc. It also has side effects including blood pressure and tachycardia.

13. Hyssop

It is an anti-inflammatory agent. It is used to relieve asthma effects. It can cure a common cold when taken early and treatment of hayfever. It is a relaxant and helps in preventing anxiety, guilt, depression, and nervous exhaustion.

14. Saint John’s wort

Flowers and leaves of this plant are harvested to make a powerful antidepressant which is also applied in other viral treatments. Though not conclusive, research shows that this herb can be used to treat flu and other viral attacks. Extreme sensitivity to light is the only side effect associated with this herb. The herb should not be used together with other pharmaceutical drugs; however, consumption and dosage should always be prescribed by a physician.

15. Lime Flower

The flower extracts of this plant are great treatment media of migraines, nausea, and insomnia. It can also ease you from restlessness.

16. Oregano

It helps in the treatment of indigestion problems and bloating. The herb also fights fever and helps to reduce flatulence. Moreover, it helps to regulate the menstrual cycle.

17. Parsley

The herb is rich in vitamin C when consumed in raw form. It helps to treat indigestion and decongests the digestive tract. It is a blood purifier and helps in to eradicate bad breath.

18. Passiflora

Passiflora is a tranquilizer. It is used as a relaxant and in the treatment of anxiety, insomnia, and panic. It also regulates emotions of excitement and irritation. The herb is also applied as an antispasmodic agent and in the treatment of convulsions, asthma, hypertension, and menstrual cramps. It is non-addictive, therefore lesser side effects. However, you should seek a prescription.

19. Saw palmetto

It’s both nutritious and with herbal benefits. The fruit is taken to treat Benign Prostatic Hypertrophy (BPH). The side effects are mild headaches and digestive upsets.

20. Valerian

Valerian is widely used as a flavor for food and drinks. Additionally, Valerian is a good treatment for insomnia. Extensive observation shows that it is great for the treatment of sleeplessness. However, these results are not documented officially to be used as proof. The root is the part where the Valerian herb is harvested.

21. Hawthorn Berry

It is proven to treat cardiovascular complications and diseases such as hypertension, irregular heartbeat, and coronary heart infections. You are cautioned to seek a prescription from a specialist for it can be destructive when used in large amounts.

22. Horseradish

It helps with thoracic complications. Specifically, horseradish is used in easing chest congestion and reduces muscle aches.

23. Licorice

It is used to treat the nervous system. Long term exposure to licorice can cause liver infections.

24. Marigold

It is prepared in some parts of the world as food. This herb, however, is rich in healing properties such that it can treat skin damage including rashes, sunburns, cuts, and acne. Its oil can be extracted and be used to treat fungal infections such as ringworms in children, athlete’s foot, and thrush. This herb has unlimited uses. It can be used in the treatment of liver complications such as hepatitis.

25. Raspberry Leaf

Raspberry berries are used for their nutritional advantage. The leaves, on the other hand, have extensive benefits including prevention of osteoporosis. Used for dental treatment such as doing away with gingivitis, mouth, and throat sores. Nevertheless, raspberry leaves are used in women to regulate menstrual flow, maintain pregnancy, and prevent depression after birth.

26. Mint

Mint is widely used in large scale manufacture of chewing gums. Peppermint and garden mint are the common ones containing medicinal values. Mints are used in relieving heartburns, thermoregulation, travel sicknesses, flatulence, and stomach upset. Additionally, mint can be used as an antibacterial agent and is used to eradicate throat and cold infections. it relieves fevers and headaches too.

27. Mustard

Used as a muscle relaxant and treatment of heartburns.

28. Nutmeg

Nutmeg helps to do away with digestion tract congestion and treatment of indigestion.

29. Red Clover

Clover is used in decorations and flavoring. However, it has other herbal properties such as cancer management and treatment of psoriasis and eczema.

30. Rosemary

Rosemary is a stimulant. It enhances blood flow in the brain, reduction of hair loss and the treatment of migraines. It improves the user’s memory and optimism levels.

31. Sage

This is an alkaline compound that helps to ease insect stings. It helps to treat gingivitis and relieves irritable bowel.

32. Damiana

It is used as a male aphrodisiac drug. It was applied in the treatment of impotence and premature ejaculation. It can, however, be used in females for relieving menstrual pain, sexual activation, treatment of UTIs, etc.

33. Slippery Elm

This herb is used in the treatment of most of the chest complications. Also, it manages constipation, hemorrhoids, and colitis.

34. Tarragon

It relieves depression and helps to fight sleeplessness.

35. Tea Tree Oil

This oil helps both internal and external body tissues. When applied on the skin, it helps in fighting acne and dandruff. Additionally, it is used as an antiseptic and antifungal.

36. Thyme

The herb is used for the treatment of respiratory tract infections including asthma. It is also a powerful antibiotic.

37. Tumeric

Turmeric is a powerful antioxidant with anti-ageing properties.

38. Vervain

The herb is a powerful relaxant. It relieves depression especially after recovering from a viral attack like flu.

39. Willow Bark

This herb was discovered to have the same properties as aspirin. It is a pain reliever.

40. Witch Hazel

From its name, this herb works on skin wounds, joint sprains, and bruises. It also helps to repair sagging or stretched skin.

41. Yarrow

Yarrow contains Vitamin K which helps in blood clotting, preventing nose bleeding and healing of wounds. Relieves flu-related symptoms and is also used in the treatment of cardiovascular conditions.

42. Agnus Castus

It helps in the regulation of female sex hormones. Specifically, Agnus Castus is used to regulate the amount of progesterone hormone. This helps in preventing harsh menopause symptoms such as acne and migraines.

43. Anise

Cough reliever.

44. Basil

Used for Migraine treatment.

45. Black Cohosh

Used for hormonal regulation. It regulates estrogen which helps in relieving symptoms related to menstrual and menopause cycles such as cramps and hot flashes. It also treats rheumatoid arthritis, high blood pressure, and headaches.

46. Borage

Borage is used to stimulate the production of adrenaline hormone which is used in fright or fight situations. It also helps to purify kidneys.

47. Buchu Leaf

It helps to relieve thrush in females, prostate, and urinary tract infections. it also relieves bloating and catarrh.

48. Caraway

Caraway is used to relieve menstrual pain.

49. Cayenne

Used for regulating blood sugar level and as an arthritis pain reliever.

50. Dandelion

Leaves are harvested for their nutritious properties. However, they are powerful detoxifying agents. While juice is extracted from the leaves and used for the treatment of warts.

51. Devil’s Claw

The herb is used for the treatment of a variety of infections. it has anti-inflammatory properties and is used to treat indigestion. It is also a pain reliever for arthritis and back pains.

52. Dill

Dill is proven to treat a lack of sleep.

53. Fennel

Exclusively used for the treatment of bad breath.

54. Celery

Used as a sedative. It is a detoxifying agent, and also helps in relieving blood pressure.

55. Cramp bark

Cramp bark is used to treat cramp pains. It treats bedwetting, menopause symptoms, and irritable bowel syndrome.

56. Cilantro

Used as an antibacterial agent. Also, it is used in the preservation of meat.

57. Aloe Vera

Aloe Vera gel is used as a universal treatment herb. It is however applied mostly for therapeutic and cosmetic activities. It also relieves ulcers.

58. Fenugreek

It is used to soothe the digestive tract. Fenugreek seeds are used to induce impotence in males.

59. Comfrey

The herb is used for the development of bone, cartilage, and muscles.

60. Clove

A herb used to relieve toothaches.

The bottom line

Most of the treatment against the herbs shown above are not medically tested and proven. However, there is data to show the existence of a remedy for those conditions highlighted in the herbs given.

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