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10 Uses of igneous rocks

Igneous rocks are formed when magma cools and solidifies below the earth’s surface. They are formed naturally and mined using heavy machinery and undergo industrial processing. They are usually hard and can withstand harsh climatic conditions. There is quite a number of these rocks with various uses. Examples are diorite, scoria, pegmatite, gabbro, basalt, pumice, and granite. Some of their applications are:

1. for the construction of monuments

Granite, which is used in the construction of buildings and statues, is ideal for this type of structure as it is easy to curve into preferred shapes and sizes. It also makes perfect kitchen and bathroom tops.

2. as a toothpaste ingredient

Pumice manufactures toothpaste due to its ability to clean any tough stains thoroughly.

3. as a stain removal agent

Pumice is applied as an abrasive during the manufacture of soaps and cleaners. It serves as the stain removal agent in these detergents.

4. Used during manicure and pedicure

Due to its non-toxic nature, pumice is used during the removal of dead skin on human feet and hands. Pumice rocks also come in handy when grinding and polishing glass for television.

5. Construction of walls and countertops

Gabbro, also referred to as black granite, has several uses, including the manufacture of flooring and countertops materials. Garden pavings are mostly made of this type of rock. Since they can withstand adverse weather conditions, they are perfect for coastal regions to build lakes and ocean break walls to prevent flooding and erosion. The salty air doesn’t affect them.

6. Construction of bridges

Peridotite rocks are used in the development of roads and bridges. They are firm and can withstand harsh weather; therefore suitable for this kind of building that requires a firm foundation and durability guarantee.

7. Manufacturing of tiles

Another type of igneous rock is the andesite rock. They have a few uses, including the construction of roadside beds, statues, and monuments. They are also used in designing landscapes and gardens through beautiful tiles. They have an outstanding ability to resist slip, making them perfect for manufacturing interior and exterior tiles.

8. Making of sharp objects

Obsidian rocks make sharp objects such as knives, arrowheads, and spearheads. Other weapons curved from these rocks include swords, knives, and daggers. They can be shaped into the desired shape and sizes under the right conditions. This type of rock makes functional quality objects not quickly broken.

9. Building stone

Limestone is used in the construction industry as building stones and makes cement. Besides, some of the glass used in construction comes from limestone.

10 Roofing and decoration

Slate is excellent as a roofing material. However, most people use it to decorate their houses’ backyard or front area.

11. Making bricks

Shale or mudstone makes excellent bricks. It is a soft and easily broken stone but is processed to create beautiful building stones. It also helps to lay a firm foundation, especially for road construction.

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