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10 Best Uses of Graphite

Minerals are very important in our life and graphite is one of the most widely used minerals. Igneous, as well as, metamorphic rocks, are the parent source of this mineral. Graphite is formed when carbon is subjected to extreme temperature and pressure. The texture of this mineral is quite crusty, so even with a light stroke, you would be able to break it. Here are ten of the most significant uses of graphite:


1. You can get writing material out of it

This is the most common and famous use of graphite, that is, as the nib of the pencil. The lead is, though, not the pure form of graphite as a serge amount of clay is also used to form the lead of the pencil so that the lead could be a bit strong.

2. Graphite is a common ingredient in lubricants

We all know how important lubricants are for us, especially if we are heavy users of machines. If you would go through the ingredient list of grease, then you would discover that graphite is one of the major constituents of the lubricant.

3. You can find graphite in repellants as well

This powerful mineral acts as a good repellant; hence a plethora of manufacturing companies use graphite as an ingredient in repellent solutions. One of the most common repellants that use graphite includes metal protectors.

4. The use of graphite in paint is also common

If you have ever come across paints that guarantee the protection of walls, then you would be able to find graphite in them. In this case, the powder form of graphite comes into use. Factories mix the powdered graphite in paints to create authentic protection for the walls.

5. Graphite can be great refractory

Graphite is a mineral that has a very high melting point, so most of the time, people use it as a refractor. On the other hand, this mineral has a very high tolerance, so this would not change even in high-pressure circumstances.

6. The use of graphic for your ironing machine

You would be able to find a thin layer of graphite on the flat surface of an electric iron. This is very important because it prevents the electric iron from causing electric shocks while at work. More so, the graphite protects the iron from being melted by the pressing heat.

7. Graphite as nuclear reactors is common

The capacity of graphite to absorb moving neutrons is very high, so most of the time, this mineral is very much in use to stabilize or neutralize the reactions of neutrons.

8. The use of graphite in the electrical industry

If you are working in the electrical industry, then you would agree with me that graphite is used in several ways in the electrical circuit. The crystalline form of graphite is the one that is mostly in use.

9. Graphite in your cells or batteries

Batteries cannot be in use if a surging amount of graphite is not in them. The graphite limits or protects the batteries even when it gets overheated. This prevents dangerous accidents as well.

10. The graphene sheet is also in use

Graphene sheets are made with graphite, and it has vast applications in the electrical, and laser industries. Researchers regard graphene as the most conductive material as o’er electricity and heat. The graphene sheet is thin and light, but at the same time, it is very strong.

Being an allotrope of Carbon, Graphite has enormous applications in diverse fields.

This Post Has 2 Comments

  1. Ibrahim Zahid

    Great website, I was bored in Chemistry so I pretended to be on this website while playing snake on the side.

  2. Bernard

    Are exploited minerals benefit the countries where they are mined or they are profitable to the mining companies alone?What can be done so that poor communities can have a share and enjoy mineral wealth of their countries.The case of graphite to be exploited in Tanzania but planned to be exported instead of establishing manufacturing industries which utilize graphite minerals and export finished products.

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