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Uses of Sphygmomanometer

A sphygmomanometer is a medical gadget used for measuring blood pressure. Other popular names for this device include a blood pressure monitor, blood pressure gauge, or blood pressure meter. The device can determine someone’s blood pressure by measuring the heart’s force of blood. Accurate results are achieved when the ventricles contract. Because this is when blood flows from the center to other body parts, you can measure the minimal force when the heart is relaxed.

One of the first equipment a doctor will use when diagnosing patients is the sphygmomanometer. It is an essential tool in the hospital because it can be used to detect various diseases in the body. Checking blood pressure helps to control hypertension and to monitor the effectiveness of medications. The sphygmomanometer includes parts such as an inflatable cuff, a handle bump, and a display unit. An inflatable cuff is the one that doctors use to wrap the upper part of the arm.

For the results to be accurate, a lot of factors must be considered. For example, the cuff size should be proportional to the size of the person undergoing the blood pressure test. Some people, such as children or adults with smaller and more giant arms, respectively, require the use of individual-sized cuffs.

Best uses of Sphygmomanometer


1. Measuring blood pressure

One of the significant applications of sphygmomanometer is measuring blood pressure. There are two types, i.e., digital and manual. The digital device is easy to read, and anyone can use it. Contrary, a manual sphygmomanometer requires a stethoscope, and trained medical practitioners mainly use it. One can learn blood pressure values in mm Hg by observing through the mercury column. The size of the cuffs matters a lot because too large can result in lower pressure, while a smaller one can result in high demand.

2. Monitoring effectiveness of medications

Doctors use the sphygmomanometer to monitor the effectiveness of drugs. It contains two readings, i.e., the systolic and the diastolic. The systolic is the upper number, while the denominator represents diastolic. Your blood pressure is not supposed to surpass the 120/80, which is the average range. Doctors prescribe medicine for diseases that cause high blood pressure and later use the sphygmomanometer for evaluation. If your blood pressure improves, i.e., reduces, that means that the medication is functioning as intended.

3. Helps to control hypertension

Hypertension is a condition caused by high blood pressure. It is a serious condition since it can cause stroke, increase the chances of getting a heart attack, or even death. The most top causative factors of hypertension include diabetes and smoking tobacco. A medical practitioner uses the sphygmomanometer to control hypertension. It helps both doctors and patients to understand what action is needed after every reading to manage this disorder.

4. It helps to detect various diseases.

High blood pressure can be a result of an underlying illness. Doctors detect these underlying illnesses using the data collected from the sphygmomanometer. Shallow readings can also be a sign of another disease. Blood pressure is always among the first thing to be checked when we go for a medical checkup. Some doctors can easily detect the disease you are suffering from by looking at the readings. Regular readings indicate that somebody is a good condition. However, other tests are carried out for certainty.

5. At home

If you know how to use the sphygmomanometer, then you can have it at home. It can be helpful to check the health status of your family members. Using it at home help people to look after their lifestyle and controlling blood pressure. Besides, hypertension patients need to use this device to help them improve their condition. Note that you need to be trained on how to use this device. Wrong readings can cause unnecessary panic. Also, some are expensive and do not make economic sense to use them at home.

6. Hospital

The sphygmomanometer is mostly used in the hospital. You can lack it in other places, but you will always find it in the hospital. The devices are calibrated annually in hospitals. Many experienced practitioners give accurate readings in comparison to any other place.

7. First aid in ambulances

During emergencies, paramedics use the sphygmomanometer to perform diagnosis. The readings help them to administer a valid first aid. It helps them determine which victim needs more attention and the type of first aid they need. Some can also predict the amount of blood a victim is losing at the moment. It is an essential device, and it can be

8. Research

Big research organizations such as WHO use the sphygmomanometer for medical research. The new medicine is tested in animals such as rabbits, mice, or pigs. Doctors use particular types of sphygmomanometer to monitor their blood pressures. That enables them to understand the kind of effects the medicine will have on humans. A sudden change of blood pressure during such a test could mean a negative sign. Researchers measure animal blood pressure when coming up with new drugs for them. Animals are given the same attention, just like humans, when it comes to research. Drugs have to be tested before being released to the market for consumption

9. School

Schools use the sphygmomanometer for educational purposes. Doctors are taught how to use these devices in medical schools. Also, when students fall sick during school hours, they are taken to the school clinics where blood pressure is measured using the tools. Nurses document the readings so that doctors can access them for proper treatments.

10. Veterinary medicine

The sphygmomanometer is not only used in humans alone but in animals too. Veterinary doctors use this device to diagnose animals. It helps to control specific diseases and also detect new infections. High blood pressure is mostly associated with very critical health issues in animals. Blood pressure varies according to the type of animal. For example, the giraffe has the highest blood pressure of 300 mm Hg while the chelonians have the lowest MAP of 30 mm Hg.

This Post Has One Comment

  1. Healthy and Fitness

    Great information. Everybody need keep their pressure in control, especially the elderly.

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