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Uses of Robots

However much exciting the prospect of robotics is, it is yet to be fully integrated into the mainframe business fields. Robots are machines that ease work on humans. It, therefore, eliminates the need for you to engage directly in manual tasks like before. A few companies such as Amazon has introduced robots in its warehouses to help with few tasks. Many either are skeptical, or they do not have the kind of investment required to acquire and maintain them. The following are some of the uses of robots.


1. Harvesting of crops

In agriculture, there are challenges with labor. Sometimes, the workforce is insufficient; and, when it is enough, the output per head becomes lower thereby, increasing costs of production which has adverse effects on the prices of the commodity. There are a handful of robotic projects that have been unveiled in the market for harvesting agricultural produce. In this case, robots with pneumatic arms that are made to apply fluid dynamics to move are used.

2. Telepresence purposes

These robots are influenced by the need to be at someplace attending to something but be4cause of some difficulty, you are unable to attend. For instance, the AV1 is a robot made by No Isolation Company. The robot is made for those students who are socially inactive or ill. So, the robot represents you in class while you are away. You will be able to see and experience the class environment except that you won’t be there.

3. Assist in teaching

Do you fancy a robotic teacher? Well, these machines can be programmed to teach too. The application of these machines could be a helping mechanism rather than taking over the teaching role completely. It tends to stimulate a learner increasing content retention rates.

4. Sanitization of surfaces and objects

Some robots are made to specifically kill germs. They can be applied in hospitals, hotels, beds, etc. Cleasebot is a robot that was recently introduced in the market for this purpose.

5. Domestic assistants

Robots could play a major role in assisting you to complete chores in time. Also, it can be used to run your shops, care for your pets, etc.

6. Earn a living

Some robots have been produced to help disabled people to earn a living. In Japan, a robotic trial was conducted where a paralyzed individual used it to remotely control other robots in a café.

7. Ownership

Research has proven that robots can be taught about ownership. Therefore, in the future, there are likely to be robots that prevent loss by caring for the owner’s property.

8. Automation of services

As earlier observed, Amazon uses robots in its warehouses to arrange and fetch inventory. This can be done on a larger scale by applying the idea in other fields.

9. Design and construction

Robots can be used in large scale designing of structures and constructing an error-free building that is safe for humans.

10. Space exploration

Rather than endangering the lives of human beings, robots could be used instead to explore space and reach places that are yet to be explored by man.

The bottom line

At full operation, robots could be made to think and operate like a man. Therefore, they can be made to do work in manufacturing, research, medicine, agriculture, and even governance.

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