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Uses of Urine

Uses of Urine

Everybody is shy to say it, but we all do it: Urinating. Talking and discussing peeing can be uncomfortable, but humans need to learn and understand urine’s importance. Urine is one of the most commonly available liquids on earth. Because of its plentiful nature, several research studies have been conducted to examine the use of urine. Below are some of the uses of urine:

1. Used as the Antibiotic

Urine has proved to be an effective alternative to counter antibiotics. If the urine is administered daily can help in boosting up immunity. Urine contains antibiotics properties that boost your white blood cell and cure several diseases.

2. Digestion purposes

Digestion is a crucial process in the human body. However, did you know you can boost your digestion by taking urine? Urine has valuable bacteria that are greatly needed to catalyze the digestion process. When urine is taken, it boosts the digestion rate and relieves the victim from constipation disorders.

3. In agriculture

Urine plays magic in boosting the nutrients in the soil, and thus it is suitable for agriculture. Urine has high nitrogen compounds, and therefore, when used, it increases the soil’s nitrogen component. If you specialize in planting nitrogenous plants, urine should be in the farm inputs checklist. Similarly, urine increases the amount of potassium in some plants, like grass and clovers. However, if used in excess, it may have side effects on the plant.

4. Making fertilizers and pesticides

Urine is rich in several compounds that are beneficial for making fertilizers. When making nitrogenous fertilizers, urine is one of the main ingredients used. According to recent research, urine is an effective pest-controller compound. The smelly nature and other repellant properties in the urines help control pesticides. In addition, most pesticide companies use urine from animals or human beings to make bio-enhancers.

5. Used for Cleaning

The cleansing power of urine is outstanding. Most household cleaners are made up of ammonia (urine) as one of the ingredients. Ammonia is an essential compound that does well in eliminating dirt and greasy components that are acidic. Raw urine is sometimes preferred in cleaning due to its ammonia compounds. During the soap-making process, a chamber known as Chamber lye contains urine used to soak and treat stains.

6. Making Leather Soft

Traditionally, before the synthesized chemicals were inverted, urine was a perfect substance for softening the leather. Urine is rich in urea, a compound that decays and decomposes into ammonia if stored for a long time. When the urea in urine decays, it combines with the soaked water to form a weak base. The base nature of the ammonia is responsible for breaking down the leather’s hardness.

7. Allergies and infections

In recent studies, researchers have claimed that urine positively impacts working against infections and allergies. It contains small amounts of antibacterial compounds responsible for fighting infections in the body. In addition, the liquid contains anti-inflammatory compounds that help to ease the symptoms of allergies and reduce the stress of the affected cells.



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