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20 uses of basil

Basil is an herb that is well known for its medicinal contributions. For example, basil is used to help diseases and conditions such as; warts, stomach spams, head colds, among others. It is also used to promote blood circulation and help to start breast milk flow for mothers who have just given birth. Apart from medicinal importance, basil is used in the food industry to add flavor to different types of dishes. It has a taste like that of mint and a peppery flavor. It is used in salads, pizza, and pasta, among other dishes. This type of herb is prominent in the Mediterranean and prepares Italian cuisines as well as Thai, Vietnamese and Indonesian cuisines. In the case of a snake bite, basil can also be very useful.

1. Cooking

Basil is used in general cooking as well as in some specific dishes because of its mint-like and peppery flavor. There are a lot of dishes that use basil as an essential ingredient in order to come up with a certain taste. For example, it may be used as a topping for your pizza, mozzarella salad, and soups, among other many dishes.

2. Cosmetics

Basil has some medicinal properties that make it fundamental to be included in some makeups. For example, basil makes basil essential oil, which is responsible for softening skin as well as soothing skin irritations. In addition to its benefits to the skin, it is also fundamental to hair care.

3. Treats sore throats

As a remedy for sore throat, basil leaves are boiled and drank while it may also be gargled.

4. Beverages and drinks

Basil is added to drinks, especially cocktail drinks, to add its herbal flavor. Examples of already made drinks with basil include; lemon and basil martini and basil gimlet, among others.

5. Fruits salads

Basically, basil is said to work with any kind of fruit, and that makes it special since, despite the fruits you have, you can make a very tasty salad. It enhances the taste of the salad, making most of them refreshing desserts.

6. Bath bags and soaps

Due to its health benefits and its antibacterial and anti-fungal properties, basil is used to make bathing soaps. In addition, basil contributes to healthier skin and getting rid of some scar marks hence getting a unique skin tone.

7. Used to reduce stress

In other terms, people refer to basil as an adaptogenic herb that helps to cope with stress. Consumption of basil either in one’s foods or drinks may help them reduce stress or rather enhance the body to deal with the stress. The most effective way of taking basil is by chewing the leaves on a daily basis.

8. Prevents acne

Simply because of its properties that are antibacterial and anti-fungal, basil is responsible for acne prevention as well as its treatment. One may easily make a basil paste by grinding the leaves to form the paste and then applying it to the affected skin.

9. Used to relieve headaches

As an herb, basil has been prescribed to cure headaches because it contains analgesic properties that are responsible for relaxing muscle tensions that normally cause headaches. It may be taken by chewing its leaves, drinking tea made of basil, or by just applying its essential oils on the skin and the muscles that are tensed with being relieved.

10. Used to cure fever and the common cold

Coughs, flu, fever, and the common cold can all be controlled if one takes basil. As the remedy for the above-mentioned, basil may either be taken when boiled with water, which will cure common cold and fever efficiently and when the leaves are chewed, they then relieve cold and flu better.

11. Used to improve eyesight

Basil plant is rich in vitamin A which is an essential vitamin that improves vision. Basil juice is used as the remedy by putting some drops of the juice directly into the eye two times a day.

12. Used to season meat

Basil is used to making different marinades and dressings due to its contribution to a bright and strong flavor that adds taste to one’s meat or any other dish.

13. Prevents hair loss and dandruff

Magnesium normally helps in the body by nourishing the hair follicles, and in this case, basil is rich in minerals. In addition, this herb is responsible for strengthening the hair strands, which then prevents hair from breakage.

14. Used to treat stomach pains

Stomach cramps, indigestion, constipation, and acidity, among other stomach upsets, can be cured by the consumption of basil. It may be consumed by taking basil tea or juice extracted from the basil leaves.

15. Used to fight skin diseases

Basil contains antioxidants as well as inflammatory and antimicrobial properties that enable it to fight some skin diseases without excluding acne. The essential oils contained in the herb also help the skin as impurities that normally clog pores are cleaned.

16. Treats teeth disorder

Basil may be used as a toothpaste when its dried leaves are mixed with some mustard oil. It may also help to get rid of bad breath, massage gums, and maintain good dental health.

17. Makes basil essential oil

Basil essential oil is easily made at home for the purposes of helping out with indigestion, nausea relief, and constipation, among others, uses discussed in this article.

18. Soothes bites and stings

In the case of a bug or insect bite, basil oil made from basil acts as a pain reliever from the stings and bites. One may choose to use basil oil and apply it to the affected area or use chopped-up pieces of basil leaves to the affected areas.

19. Used as a natural deodorizer

Unlike other deodorizers, which are applied to the boy, one may stay very fresh by consuming a lot of basil.

20. Used in preparing desserts

Basil’s strong flavor is essential in the preparations of some salads like a strawberry galette, basil syrup, and strawberry basil shortcake.

In conclusion, it is evident that basil has more medicinal uses than culinary uses. However, one should understand that. However, the herb is taken; the effects are felt differently. That is, if one decides to drink, gargle, or apply its oil mostly, it depends on the type of use one intends to use it for.

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